UK Politics 

Leadsom retires from Tory Leadership Race – May Poised to become PM

Tory Brexitter and leadership contender Andrea Leadsom has withdrawn from the Conservative Party leadership race, leaving Theresa May as the only candidate and probable next PM of the United Kingdom.

Leadsom was seen as a new bright star of the Conservative party following her contribution to the Leave campaign, and she was not tainted by the post-referendum in-fight between former allies Michael Gove and Boris Johnson. Although Theresa May had the support of the majority of the Conservative parliamentary party, Leadsom was considered to have a good chance of securing a majority of votes among the general Tory membership.

Her withdrawal from the leadership race comes amid intense criticism of Leadsom after she told The Times that, as a mother of three, she was more involved in the future of the country than her opponent Theresa May, who recently opened up to the public about her and her husband’s involuntary childlessness.

In a much shared Tweet, Ruth Davidson, leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, declared that even though she herself is childless, she believes she also has a very real stake in the country.

Following Leadsom’s withdrawal, Davidson and other senior party figures acknowledged her fair and dignified withdrawal from the leadership race, paving the way for a senior government post for Leadsom in a new May cabinet.

Even Boris Johnson, who had begun campaigning on Leadsom’s behalf, wrote on Facebook that

Theresa May will provide the authority and the leadership necessary to unite the Conservative Party and take the country forward in the coming weeks and months. Andrea’s decision, which is both brave and principled, allows that process to begin immediately.

At the time of writing it is unclear whether Leadsom’s resignation will lead to May being appointed PM within the next few days, or whether the Conservatives will open up the leadership race to a new candidate, so that a vote can be held among the general membership of the party.


Cover image of Andrea Leadsom released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change under a CC BY-ND 2.0 license.

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